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February 15, 2005


Bill Wallo

I personally think that there should be a serious discussion about what you raise in your first question: namely, is there any truth to the "targeting" assertion, or is it a myth? The fact that it is accepted as fact in various parts of the world doesn't mean that it is actually true; as the old saying goes, if 50 million people believe a foolish thing, it is still a foolish thing. Finding evidence to support the contention would seem to be the appropriate journalistic pursuit, rather than simply playing to one's audience by vocalizing the same seemingly unsubstantiated opinion.

Doug McGill

I'm with you 100%, Bill. But from a U.S. journalist's standpoint there are two things to get across I think, and they need to be in this order: 1) People in the Middle East widely believe that the U.S. targets journalists, and 2) Whether it's true or not based on the facts. Is this claim in the category of A) The Israelis coordinated the attacks of 9/11 (false) or B) American troops are presently massing on the border of Iran (seems to be true but still little-reported). Etc.


It is a slippery slope when journalist's make up reasons/excuses of why one of there own did something. It is a question they should be asking Eason Jordan and printing his reply. I maybe wrong, but Jordan nor CNN never gave the reasons for his statements or put them in your context or put out a transript or video of his statements. There were 2 US Congressmen at this conference and statements from them that when one of them asked if Jordan had facts to back up his statements, Jordan admitted he had none. It is unprofessional for a journalist of Jordans stature to make such a statement/rumor and not have the facts to back it up. It is like a lie being repeated over and over until it is excepted as fact.


I have to second Bill's & Gene's comments. The idea that the U.S. military targets journalists may well be accepted as fact in the Middle East. It may also be considered treasonous in the U.S. So what? This is a factual claim that is subject to verification. Journalists are supposed to care about that.

Eason Jordan leveled an extremely serious allegation at our military, and then (reportedly) admitted he had no evidence. Good riddance.

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