I wonder if Eason Jordan's quick decision to resign was largely driven by his concern that the right wing blognuts would surely have dragged out more dirt on his relationship with Mariane Pearl?
Even if that chapter is closed in Jordan's life (I don't know one way or another), it was obviously a hurtful revelation to Jordan, his wife and children last year, and Jordan by resigning may well have been trying to protect his family from a replay of that unpleasantness last year.
The readiness of the blognuts to drag this private matter into play is another significant angle on the blog story. Because blogs can act as instant tabloids. Only in this case, unlike when it was only the National Enquirer and the Daily Star that were out there, threatening to publish within days or weeks, now it is thousands of bloggers threatening to publish within seconds.
Not only that, with blogs it's no longer just the prurience of sex that is shaping the public discusion, but the distortions of political ideology.
Unfortunately, we can now imagine that whenever any group or person wants to thwart another group or person, a blog character-smearing campaign may be a possibility. This may not only be restricted to public persons, either.
It's a whole new world out here.
Hi, Doug. I found your blog by visiting Jay Rosen's site. I've been blogging since the beginning of 2003.
I hope your ideas about "glocal journalism" will inspire many. I've done some cooperative blogging with Nick Lewis, who shares similar ideas.
You may wish to visit his site. I'll mention your new blog to him.
I'll be reading. Best of luck.
I'll be sure to link your blog at my site.
Posted by: Jude Nagurney Camwell | February 18, 2005 at 06:59 AM
Nice to make your acquaintance, Iddybud. I'll check out Nick's site. Stay in touch!
Posted by: Doug McGill | February 18, 2005 at 01:31 PM
It's so lucky for me to find your blog! So shocking and great! Just one suggestion: It will be better and easier to follow if your blog can offer rrs subscription service.
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